Da Da Da
Da Da Da
Sight and Sound
Sight and Sound
Da Da Da
Sight and Sound
Negative Space
Evoke Thesis
A collaboration project I had great pleasure working on with Jerry Jaimes. As seniors, we wanted to create a thesis that evokes an emotional reaction from the viewer. We wanted to communicate a sense of tension that settles into relief.
We sought to create tension visually, conceptually, and musically. Our abstract story follows an emotional conflict that manifests in the physical transformation of a star to a monster with many tendrils.
The tendrils stretch towards the star it originates from desiring to consume it. We utilized motion and light to convey the visual and conceptual tension we were aiming for. The stars constrained movement and dimming light emphasize the strain it feels caused by the tendrils that represent its negativity chasing it.
The Collaboration
The collaboration was not something we had experience with before starting this project. Towards the beginning, it was difficult to work with someone through a screen. After a series of challenges, we developed an efficient way of working with each other "zoom?" eager to share an idea or feedback we had received to improve our animation.

During the pre-production phase, we decided to divide tasks to maximize our workflow. Jerry handled the creation of storyboards and value tests, while I stitched together these images together making a Board-o-Matic then the animatic.

Design Phases

Our technical approach was a combination of 2D and cel animation for the piece in a 12fps frame rate. Jerry animated the tendrils in Photoshop using the animatic as a reference to animate straight ahead with a very loose line structure. I animated the star in after effects, as well as comped everything together with a series of levels and exposure adjustments to create the look we both wanted to show.